First Bus

I struggled for a long while. Wasting forty five minutes, before finally heeding the bid to proclaim the gospel inside the bus. The young man beside me had a long slash wound on his wrist. The thought of what he might be going through, and here I am withholding from him the good news of Christ, how else can I hate him more than to stay silent? He was visibly agitated by what he was hearing but he was listening intently. He was the first to receive a free bible, one of only three I brought along. A mother seated at the back with her young son also asked for one.
In finishing the message we missed our stop. Had to take another ride back in the rain. I was so disappointed with myself for hesitating. I could not help but keep my head low on the way home. I wanted to say more, but I trust that the people heard what they needed to hear.
Speaking is my greatest weakness. I was never good at it. Doing it in the midst of public attention, unthinkable. But then you realize God's strength is only manifest in the weakest of men. God gets no glory when a man is capable. What is impossible with men is possible with God.
I always emphasize everywhere, that people should never give money to those cults who proclaim the gospel in public vehicles while asking for alms. It is a most despicable act of extortion. I hate it.
A lot of the people were receptive. I had their strict attention. The driver turned off the radio while I spoke. May the Lord have mercy on those who were given ears to hear. The rest were warned.
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