John 4:32

I rode all the way from where I was keeping watch with the people who were helping me build my wall. A good 25 minutes from here. So as they asked leave to have their lunch, I went out instead, planning to spend the quick break to give away the tracts I brought with me. As usual, without knowing where to go. I tried the nearby local market which by this time only had a few people (I assumed everyone is having their meal.) Then I rode on to Northville, another populated part of the area but just the same, even after searching the side streets, only a few people were on the road minding their business. So I went back and headed farther out. As always, wherever the Lord leads. I remembered the same park where I recently gave tracts away had a few people sitting around passing time and thought that might be a good place today. It was there that I met this man. The man asked for alms as I walked past him from where I parked towards a food joint to use the restroom. I did not qu...