Hometown Run
Our weekly date nights as a couple include becoming fools for the Lord's sake. The biggest problem every time we go out to minister is the question 'where". But today it was a brief answer impressed upon my wife: Novaliches. And so we drove out twenty-four kilometres late in the afternoon to my old hometown.
Bayan, Novaliches, has dramatically changed since I last saw it, howbeit for the better. The crowd is much more organized and although business has grown, order is now imposed and maintained. We walked for about a kilometre from where we found parking, going from street to street and back. Till in our search for where the Lord wanted us to stand we passed by the police precinct, which I remembered being a basketball court some twenty years ago.
The Lord impressed upon us to give the bibles away to the officers instead, who were in formation at this time. After we asked permission from the desk, we handed out our stash to this group of thankful individuals. I have high regard for the law and those who work tirelessly to represent it well. My Love for the order of God overflows to these people in uniform.

We walked back to the old church and stood beside it on the corner a step away from another police station and read the gospel to the people in the open air. Though a lot were still hardened giving us despising looks, there were a handful near and far who stood throughout the entire time we were there. People came back for handouts.
This is still a heavily populated area, being the central hub where numerous towns converged. There were a lot of people coming from work standing in queues and lines waiting for their ride, students of different schools walking about. Not to mention the locals who are busy minding their routines, Novaliches stands as one of the places where the gospel is severely needed. The sad thing is that some preachers who used to minister in this place have ceased to do so. May the Lord send more labourers into his harvest.
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