First Dawn Watch
Last February 2nd, the Lord granted us as a church to meet together for prayer behind a field before sunrise. We have been exhorting the brethren for the urgency and need for prayer these past months, and the desire slowly approximated to its culmination this day. There are many burdens that the church universal cry out for and these are petitioned, followed by the breaking of bread. This is observed every first Saturday of the month, and by the Lord's grace we are on our third month now.

Truly, we will accomplish more on our knees than all our possible labors combined, and the moment we depend upon our own strength to carry on with the work is the day we cease to pray. We indeed sow, but tis God who sends, who owns the seed, who makes the faith grow, who gives the increase, and who receives all the glory.
The sower may indeed sow the seed of the word, but he afterwards sleeps and knows not how the leaves break forth, or how nature takes it course. God's work may continue in silence, but it is sure and unfailing in its purpose.
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