The Blood of Christ

From my journal entry, July 5, 2018. 4:47A.M.

The blood of Christ on the cross was never ordained by God to be optional, but completely salvific; it is not finite, that it dies cheaply with a professing person who lives a life of rebellion, or even slight religion. It is ultimately infinite. It secures every true saint even through death as it victoriously tramples all over the power of the enemy by reason of God's very own promise, that all whose names were written in the Lamb's book of life from before the foundation of the world will believe in his Son, and that they will never perish but enter into everlasting life.

In the blood of Christ on the cross, God's word does not return to him a failure, but it has accomplished that which He pleased, and it prospered in the thing for which He sent it. It is to redeem a people unto Himself. Christ will do no such thing as to begin a good work in his saints only to cut them off in the middle because of their imperfections. These names now have no condemnation in Christ, for the precious sacrifice of Christ has purchased them forever. His blood has cleansed them. His Holy Spirit surely sanctifies them, the righteousnesses of Christ assures them. It is in their new nature, as in Christ's is, to strive towards holiness.

This faithfulness of God to keep those whom He has drawn to His Son is the foundation and cornerstone of the hope of the saints, else they have no hope.

As sure as Christ continues to keep those entrusted to him, so will the entrusted saints continue to keep His commandments. As sure as Christ will never perish, they will never perish. As sure as Christ lived, so will they live. As sure as Christ knew the Father, so will they know the Father.
