The Pure and Good Will Of God
From my journal entry, December 8, 2017. 6:47 PM. Lifted from my personal study and understanding of applying simple logic to scripture.
"God does not love everybody; if He did, He would love the Devil. Why does not God love the Devil? Because there is nothing in him to love; because there is nothing in him to attract the heart of God. Nor is there anything to attract God’s love in any of the fallen sons of Adam, for all of them are, by nature, "children of wrath" (Eph. 2:3). If then there is nothing in any member of the human race to attract God’s love, and if, notwithstanding, He does love some, then it necessarily follows that the cause of His love must be found in Himself, which is only another way of saying that the exercise of God’s love towards the fallen sons of men is according to His own good pleasure." ~ A.W. Pink
Does marriage guarantee that the man will love his spouse wholeheartedly? No. For I know of many a couple who share one roof with their own children who are not united in matrimony. Just as there are who are married and are not, willingly, singularly committed. Does being a Christian imply that one loves and obeys God wholeheartedly? No. For I know of many professors who follow blindly after God merely for its status and benefits. We are to remember there are differences in types of soil that receives the word, and the fall of some who are presently in the word is not based on the grandeur of their profession, but on the type of soil that they are. Their fall therefore, is not a matter of choice or if, but a matter of when. Because they are not good soil, it is just a matter of time, that they will fall away.
Does God loving the world, save the world?
If yes, then why aren't everybody saved and he yet keeps wrath against the wicked everyday? Was he lifted to draw all men to himself only to reject them in the end to depart from him and curse them into everlasting fire reserved for the devil and his angels?
If no, then why is "God so loved the world" more relevant than "whosoever believing shall be saved"?
God loving the world does not and will never in any way save the world, let alone just one soul. It is when God draws a man to His own Son by quickening him, opening the man's eyes to see and ears to hear, gives him the grace to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ in his regenerated heart that saves him.
Question : If you can't even make yourself one minute of life-giving oxygen with which to sustain yourself, what makes you think there is anything in you that God needs to save you, apart from his sovereign free will?
Question : Everybody who has read scripture believes "For ALL have sinned" and "ALL are concluded to be under sin." Now supposing God leaves it at that and leaves man on his own disposition, is it reasonable to think that even just one person would awaken to his doomed plight and seek salvation on his own? Is scripture lying when it declares in Psalm 14 that the Lord saw none that does good to seek after God and that ALL have gone aside each to his own way?
Question : Is it the sheep who wanders and sooner or later goes back to seek the Shepherd again? Or is it the Shepherd who seeks for the lost sheep? Does the Shepherd go looking for his goats? Does the goat seek the Shepherd?
"God is evil?"
Whatever God does is good, be it for, or against man. Evil by man's definition is a term directed towards man, as it applies to man. It is anything unfavorable and inconvenient that is always against the favor and safety of man. In God's term, evil is when man by-passes God, sets himself up as his own god, and chooses what ever he pleases. It is when man thinks God has no right to inconvenience him, or allow him harm, yet he has no trouble acknowledging that God was pleased to bruise his Son with evil; destroy the whole of creation with evil, sparing eight people, with a flood; destroy the chasing Egyptian army in the sea with evil, sparing Israel; destroy the nations that live in rebellion against God with evil, favoring Israel over them, giving them their land for an inheritance.
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Whatever God does is good. The carnal Christian believes God has sovereign rule and supreme choice, but forfeits his goodness for evil, when harm is intended to man. He cannot comprehend an unfair God, who would choose one over another, (just as he preferred Jacob over Esau while they were yet in the womb, having done no evil,) but he does not mind it when God sends evil people to hell. He does not mind it when God sent Satan no savior for his rebellion, and God was gracious in sending his Son for him, because he thinks he is of a lesser evil than Satan. Nothing can be further from the truth.
It is therefore none other but dangerous pride to boast that you were saved because you chose to believe God by virtue of your own choice, and your neighbor was damned because he did not, making yourself better than everyone who did not believe, when in reality all of it was unmerited mercy that enabled you to believe. God raising up Satan and allowing him to fall is good in his sight. God raising up Pharaoh to display God's power and destroy his heathen nation is good in his sight, just as God raising up Christ and allowing him to suffer death is good in his sight. God has no respect for man's opinion. And rightfully so. Every purpose of God, however evil it appears to man, if it be for his glory, is both good and pure.
Everything God does is both good and fair. The chosen were given mercy, the rebellious were given justice. I have heard men of God who ignorantly demand that God should be fair. God cannot singularly be fair apart from being just. Whatever sentence is there left for a criminal who stands before God outside of Christ?
Fairness and justice would send the entire world to hell. His mercy is what saved those whom he chose to save.
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