
Showing posts from January, 2018

He Is Still Merciful

People tend to think God's judgements come in the form of earthquakes and floods, I see those as God's merciful hand in humbling our pride. The worst judgement is when God allows us to live the way we want to, decide on life with total disregard, make gods of ourselves, grants us every little thing our selfish heart desires, and gives us lying prophets who tell us things we only want to hear.  It is when God withdraws his hand of correction, fills our mouths with the fruit of our own choices, and lets death find us at a time we least expect it.

While Waiting

Somebody once said, about the employees who worked at the mint where they printed our money, that as long as these people see the money as paper and not as money, there won't be any problems. With Christianity and the fulfillment of the Great Commission, you can't do that. At a quick glance this is just another post with pictures of people holding tracts: and that's where the trouble is. We tend to see "just people". We miss the real picture by a mile. These are souls. Souls that have eternal value; and if that word just passed by your eyes without worth, then we really do have a problem.  Eternity.. An eternal soul. See it yet? Do you still see plain people? Or people who were created in the image of God? Do you even think about what their soul is worth, leveled against your convenience? I always say that men won't come to God for fear that their sins would be brought out. I can also say professing Christians are afraid to make it their life...

Mid Year Thoughts

From my journal entry, July 2, 2017. 9:14 PM.  It fails me too much to read the beginning account of Charles Finney's heresies this afternoon, and come evening, that of Howell Harris, to whom I am more likely to lean towards when it comes to recognizing complete and utter dependency on the Lord pertaining to the preaching of His divine oracles, than Mr. Whitefield who was an ordained minister. But alas, I am still bound by this carnal means of living I call work, and yearn as I may, I can only agree to myself that God will not be obligated to wait for any compliance from me. Though I covet with all my heart, that I may somewhat partake of the work he would commence towards a revival of religion amongst the sleeping churches, in that whatever shape or form, he would be pleased to employ one weak and poor such as I am in his service. I am terrified to confront my own lack, both in capacity and in zeal, but that my sufficiency rests in Christ alone. For what, according to Jonath...

The New Creature

It requires another spirit that can be found in neither  man or this world to fully follow Christ. "Reformation is the work of man; regeneration is the work of God. Reformation is the attempt to eliminate evil from the old nature; regeneration is the impartation of a new nature. Reformation aims to earn salvation by our own efforts; regeneration is due to the gracious operation of the Holy Spirit. Reformation seeks to improve the old creation; regeneration is the bringing into existence of an entirely new creation. Reformation is external; regeneration is internal. Reformation is turning over a new leaf; regeneration is the beginning of a new life. Reformation is a tedious and protracted process; regeneration is instantaneous and complete.      In short, reformation is human; regeneration is divine." ~ The Doctrine of the New Birth. Arthur W. Pink

The Pure and Good Will Of God

From my journal entry, December 8, 2017. 6:47 PM. Lifted from my personal study and understanding of applying simple logic to scripture. "God does not love everybody; if He did, He would love the Devil. Why does not God love the Devil? Because there is nothing in him to love; because there is nothing in him to attract the heart of God. Nor is there anything to attract God’s love in any of the fallen sons of Adam, for all of them are, by nature, "children of wrath" (Eph. 2:3). If then there is nothing in any member of the human race to attract God’s love, and if, notwithstanding, He does love some, then it necessarily follows that the cause of His love must be found in Himself, which is only another way of saying that the exercise of God’s love towards the fallen sons of men is according to His own good pleasure." ~ A.W. Pink Does marriage guarantee that the man will love his spouse wholeheartedly? No. For I know of many a couple who share one roof with ...

No Comparison

From my journal entry, May 25, 2017, 9:05PM, Taal, Batangas  For a while I looked at my director and saw his shoes, his signature pants, his watch, his shades, his new cap. He looked clean. Decent. Expensive.  Then I walked out to the set. Everyone had decent shoes. Mine was 4 years old, so old all the labels have torn off. Everyone was busy with the task at hand. Everyone was friendly with everybody else. I don't even know what I'm doing here. I guess its safe to assume everybody was made up in their minds to see this day through. I just wanted to go back to the car and go home. Ever since the Lord clearly impressed his love for me, everything else of worldly value in my eyes faded away. My love for big bikes. My love for doing what I do best at work. My love for doing leather work. My love for camaraderie and attention. My love for being myself. It has been said that the Lord's salvation comes at a high cost and exchange. But then I start to see that there re...