A Dearth Of Discernment

How much of what is required of us do we really accomplish? We go out, we minister, we raise our voices, but have we wept? Have we really wept? No man can stand before God with his head held high; as our knees will bow so will we. How do we lift up our lamentations then? Do we say 'Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?' Must we be satisfied going out with all faith and strength, catching one or two fishes? Do we trust our nets more? Do we trust our office? Is it not the Lord who brings the fishes to the fisherman's nets? Did he not say to us, 'I will make you fishers of men'? Do we make excuses 'I am merely planting seeds for now,' when those who have marched before us have had reports of sweeping revivals and thousands of conversions in one day? Are we sentenced merely to be caught in a dearth of discernment in these last days? Have we wept? Have we really wept? Jesus wept. Are we better than he? Condem...