This Last Sunday of July

I did not feel well this afternoon to go out and minister after yesterday, and I have made up quite a number of convenient excuses in my head why I should not go. It is only with a closer examination of the heart that this minute speck of “self” or dirt as I may call it, exists like the afternoon dust that quietly settles on any fabric, disguising itself as a “ good" excuse. Yet duty calls, and obedience binds me to a most grievous thought that somehow, I am responsible for one particular soul tonight that God wanted to reach out to, even without me having any proof of it. I fell on my face once again before the Lord of all mercies, pleading for the privilege to lift up Christ and only Christ, that his words be my words, and that he should not send me, if he himself will not go before me. His words echo deep, “ Lo, I am with you always..” My own frailty as an unlearned bearer of the Gospel always getting the best of me, the enemy heckling me, “ You're not a past...