Our Family Worship Channel

We are opening our channel to everyone who find joy in the worship of God. The only requirement is a humble heart. Join us without any obligation, and start the worship of God in your own homes. Here is our Telegram link.

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 Our daily Family Worship with the whole church, consistently upheld by LORD, is now on its 15th month. Every 9:30 in the evening, Monday to Sunday, the church gathers to read Scripture, share thoughts, and sing/read the Psalmody to the LORD. What started off as a 15-minute family covenant quickly spread like fire among the saints, with worship going for as long as 45 minutes to an hour. Some of the children have also started an afternoon family worship for those who work the night shift. It so pleased the Lord to birth the reading of scripture in one of the homes of a dear saint where she reads with her parents and sibling who are unbelievers, but now look forward to the reading of scripture. Truly if we have great joy in honoring the Lord, he will give us the desires of our hearts (Ps 37:4). How else would the life of the Spirit enter unbelieving homes, if not for the Christian to begin reading the words of life consistently in it? We receive daily graces, should not the Lord receive daily worship and thanksgiving?

The worship of God is now ingrained in the hearts of the young congregation. It is now a daily staple. The day cannot end without the worship of God. With this grace they will surely carry the torch and adopt the worship of the God in their homes, should the Lord give them their own families. Oh what a blissful thought! Fathers teaching their children daily in the Lord and leading God's worship in the home. The same children growing up, starting their own families and carrying on what they were taught. In three generations dozens of families will be worshipping the Lord daily in their homes, and eventually, whole communities ablaze in worship!

Children spend an hour each week listening passively to preaching in church, while the world has them for forty hours the whole week in secular schools, not counting the time they spend at home playing games and fiddling with their phones. And here stands the church wondering in amazement how in spite of raising their children in church can the world easily snatch their children's hearts and lives away from God when they come of age. Worse, they nod silently in approval at the worldliness of their children, so long they attend church on Sunday. The answer is a simple as it is brutally honest. It is the fault of negligent fathers who do not lead their families in worship and has resigned their very God-given sacred duty to the church instead. Simply taking your children to church does not automatically make them a worshiper of God.

Here is a precious rebuke from James Alexander's book Thoughts on Family Worship:

Can it be possible for a man to pray earnestly for the salvation of his children in their hearing, representing them to God in earnest supplication as dead in trespasses and sins, while at the same time he leaves them to wonder why no syllable ever falls from his lips on those momentous subjects? The praying parent has a daily remembrancer of these and the like obligations; and while he asks heavenly good for his household, he will sometimes cry to God for grace to fulfill them. The answer of such prayers will not be withheld. The prayer-hearing God will render him a better parent, will endow him with those peculiar gifts for which, alas, professing parents are so slow to seek, and will cause him to discharge the obligations of this fearful station in a better manner, to say the least, than those who hasten through life without any token of family religion. 

Prayerless parents have cause to tremble. God's anger may light upon them in their parental relation, as Eli's neglect was visited (1 Samuel 3:13). They have no right to expect parental happiness. They place themselves and their household in the defenseless condition of the heathen. "Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know Thee not, and upon the families that call not on Thy name" (Jeremiah 10:25). Family prayer invites and bespeaks the blessing of God on all concerned, but chiefly on him who leads in it. Better a roofless house than a prayerless one; better beg one's bread with prayer than deny God by a neglect of this chief means of domestic prosperity.

Our prayer is for Father to bless families with His worship in their homes. It has been, for so long, wrongfully taught that bringing our children to churches would make them Christians. Yet the opposite is true. The LORD's favor is in the homes where fathers have the fear of Him, and lead their household in daily, intentional worship.

When it comes to worshipping the Lord with your family everyday, don't say you do not have time. Just say you have other priorities.
