
Showing posts from July, 2024

Covenant Theology for the Children's Church

We are currently teaching covenant theology to the children starting from the Pactum Salutis. God has been so gracious as to provide the wisdom to translate this deep subject into simple language in order to communicate it well to the children. Covenant Theology is crucial in giving us a clear picture of redemptive history that culminates at the cross of Christ. It answers many questions and seemingly disconnected stories that would otherwise just pass through unanswered. Our goal is to explain the promise, necessity, and reason for the coming Messiah and His work in redeeming us to the Father, according to His eternal will.  We are pleased to hear each precious soul, from the eldest to the youngest, recite scripture. May it please the LORD to preserve these blessed children unto salvation for His name's sake.

We Stand Not On The Shoulders of Men

This Sunday was a review of the lessons from the past month. The children who have been with us for 14 months have responded so wonderfully to the catechisms that I cannot begin to praise God for deepening the children's understanding. The Old Testament's main ideas, starting with the Genesis' prophecy of the coming Messiah up to Joshua, required about a year to study. Much grace has been given to the teachers who put their hearts to pray for the children, and going the extra mile by burning the midnight oil, studying for the lessons, often into many mornings. It gives me great joy in encouraging them that their labors in the LORD are never in vain, and that they have been given the privilege of shaping these minds who would one day, Lord willing, be granted saving grace. They have a hand in affecting these children's lives who in turn will be the very ones to take the gospel into their homes, to their parents, and to their siblings. God is able to do more with the litt

Our Family Worship Channel

We are opening our channel to everyone who find joy in the worship of God. The only requirement is a humble heart. Join us without any obligation, and start the worship of God in your own homes. Here is our Telegram link. Photo Credit  Our daily Family Worship with the whole church, consistently upheld by LORD, is now on its 15th month. Every 9:30 in the evening, Monday to Sunday, the church gathers to read Scripture, share thoughts, and sing/read the Psalmody to the LORD. What started off as a 15-minute family covenant quickly spread like fire among the saints, with worship going for as long as 45 minutes to an hour. Some of the children have also started an afternoon family worship for those who work the night shift. It so pleased the Lord to birth the reading of scripture in one of the homes of a dear saint where she reads with her parents and sibling who are unbelievers, but now look forward to the reading of scripture. Truly if we have great joy in honoring the Lord, he will give

Divine Appointments

I took my wife on a date this afternoon but the rain caught us midway and we were forced to take shelter at a random shop. Out of nowhere came this man, a homosexual, asking for alms. Divine appointments like these are heaven sent gospel opportunities. To give him money so he'd leave me alone is cruel. Filling an empty stomach without giving the gospel is useless, just as giving the gospel to someone hungry is as well. He obviously just wants the money so he can move on. But the poor wretch is in dire peril. I use questions to communicate, instead of presenting statements. He is forced to think to give an answer instead of simply nodding.  We talked for ten short minutes, and as he was walking away with his prize I am reminded of how helpless I am to turn anyone to Christ. May the gospel he heard be not for his condemnation. I can only witness. It remains solely the work of the Father to turn a soul to Christ.  Only God can make a Christian. Christ alone saves.