Heart Matters

There is a difference between those who criticize and those who do. Between those who merely affirm there is something wrong, and those are broken before God because of the wrong. Between those who attend church and those who worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Scripture says the wicked surround the righteous, therefore wrong judgements abound (Hab 1:4). A lack of urgency for the advancement of the kingdom also falls under wrong judgment. It falls under complacency. It is against the Lord's command to, "occupy" till He comes (Luke 19:13). Church gatherings are important, but not in the sense that many claim it to be. Many of our brethren in dangerous lands cannot gather for peril to their lives, but it doesn't make them less Christian than those who do so freely. Many gather conveniently, but it doesn't make them any more Christian than those who blaspheme God. 

Take for instance this: all believers know baptism cannot save, but the way they vehemently argue for its modes, they make it sound as if it does. Whether one was immersed, or poured on, or sprinkled in and with water is not an issue. The redeemed are washed in the Savior's blood. They are changed and continue to be changed from the inside out, fresh and anew like God's tender mercies every morning. All believers know attendance in church cannot save, but the way they argue make it sound that it does.

Christ saves. None else. The redeemed will gather. And yes, in most cases the unsaved will gather with the redeemed as well. Both will grow together on the same ground. But the wheat will pursue the kingdom zealously, even violently, while the tares will just stand by and watch - and attend church. The heart cannot give what it does not have, nor can it be what it is not. Either it is for the world or for Christ. Dead in the world, or alive in Christ. Against Christ or for Christ. There is nothing in between.

Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
Habakkuk 1:5  
