Second To The Last Month

Today's crowd was unusually boisterous and dense. Not antagonistic. Not accommodating either. I used a fish vendor to paraphrase the brief passage about the Pharisee and the tax collector so that people could better relate to the narrative. Our limited supply of tracts were all given away just when I was done addressing the crowd. It took all forty-five minutes just to distribute the small batch we had. It turns out, many were opposed to receiving one.

There are a lot of cults that preach here and ask for money from the populace. And people disdain this practice. That's a pretty broad brush that, regrettably, lumps us in with the corrupt lot when people think that all street preaching is just about asking for money. I can't help but think that my recent absence might have caused the labor to start over from scratch.

I did not see any familiar faces today. This is not something new. Our eyes and hope remain fixed on Christ. He will do what is right. I trust there are still those who heard so no labor is ever in vain. We simply ask that we remain faithful to the cause of the kingdom regardless of ourselves.
