Kletos Covenantal Ministries
For now we are a very small gathering of believers ministering in an obscure farm location in the boundaries of Bocaue and Pandi, Bulacan under the informal oversight of biblically mature elders and the presbytery. We firmly stand on the authority, sufficiency, and inerrancy of God's word with emphasis on the public proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the observance of Sabbath, Catechism, and daily intentional family worship. If the Lord would will one day, diakoniai will finally be changed to ekklesia, to the glory of God the Father.

κλητός - kletos - the called
invited (by God in the proclamation of the gospel) to obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of God through Christ.
διαθήκη - diatheke - covenant
In Reformed theology, the Pactum Salutis has been defined as a pretemporal, intra-trinitarian agreement between the Father and Son in which the Father promises to redeem an elect people. In turn the Son volunteers to earn the salvation of his people by becoming incarnate...by acting as surety of the covenant of grace for and as mediator of the covenant of grace to the elect. In his active and passive obedience, Christ fulfills the conditions of the Pactum Salutis...ratifying the Father's promise, because of which the Father rewards the Son's obedience with the salvation of the elect. And because of this the Holy Spirit applies the Son's work to his people, preserving them through the means of grace.
David Van Drunen & Scott Clark
διακονίαi - diakoniai - ministries
the ministration or service of all who, endowed by God with powers of mind and heart peculiarly adapted to this end, endeavor zealously and laboriously to promote the cause of Christ among men, as apostles, prophets, evangelists, elders, etc.
- Tuesdays, 9PM - Corporate prayer meeting and intercession, for the local church, the universal church, for missions, and the Lord's work in the families and children of our mission area.
- Sunday, 9:00AM - Children's Ministry.
- Bible Study (Typology/Christology)
- Westminster Shorter Catechism
- The 10 commandments.
- Sunday, 11AM - Book Study
- Sunday, 12NN - General Fellowship
- Sunday, 1PM to 3PM - Worship Service
- Prayer of Adoration
- A reading of the Decalogue (Scripture)
- Confession of sin
- Congregational Prayer
- Assurance of Pardon (Scripture)
- The Nicene Creed
- Heidelberg/Westminster Catechism and exposition
- Old Testament Reading (Scripture)
- New Testament Reading (Scripture)
- Message for the Lord's Day (Expository)
- Doxology (Scripture)
- Singing of Psalms (Scripture)
- Monday to Sunday, 9:30PM - Family Worship with the church.
- Public Preaching and Evangelism.
Our sincerest gratitude to the kindness extended to us by Jeff Chavez. May the LORD bless him in all his ways, and give him peace.
Praise be unto God!