The Past Weeks

I have scarcely the time to write in my journal now, much less blog at a regular pace. It seems 24 hours is not enough to do all the things that have been laid on my plate this past weeks. Yet I will make an effort to squeeze everything I can into this one post.


Work is still ongoing. I have been asked to consider extending my services for another 3 months to a prestigious visual effects company working on a much anticipated program showing I believe early this year should all go well. The schedule is quite flexible as I work at home and was provided for by the company with my own machine, which I will return upon completion of the project. The tension starts when other projects come in simultaneously. Presently I am back again to handling one. Which means I can sleep normal again.

Languages Study

My study in the Greek and Hebrew languages is proceeding quite nicely. I can comfortably ready Koine, and am able to translate small portions of scripture. The focus is on particular chapters, breaking down the words, and comparing it to the translation of my King James. There are some passages which have I have studied that are more striking and emphatic in the Greek compared to English, and so I realized relying only on the English translation severely impacts the context. With Hebrew, I thought of giving up being it really difficult - one vowel can sound like all the other vowels at the change of a dot and a tittle but perseverance truly pays off. I am currently able to distinguish the consonants now. Slow, but I can read. I want to formally study though, if the opportunity comes.


I have currently been praying with a church in Texas every Wednesday mornings for the past month, and I am still waiting on the LORD for our application to come under church authority to be approved. I will probably write in more details once something concrete materializes. But I have met and talked online with the church planters and elders of the presbytery. A truly humbling experience after I have received condescension from a pastor who implied that he was an elder that was ordained by elders and I was not. I for one am happy for him. But for my sake I thank my God that I am at the bottom of the ladder.

Reading Assignments

I am using the Read More app from the Google Playstore to help me in my reading assignments and it has proven to be really helpful. Bavinck is not an easy read (595 pages, the 3rd volume in a 4 book set). Included in this list is Meet the Puritans from Reformation Heritage Books (not in the picture).

6 pages a day from each costs me 2.5 hours on top of my bible reading and language studies. Basically half the morning is spent on my reading and devotion. I cannot stress it enough how our study into the Counsel of Peace is pivotal in the deepening of our small gathering into the truths of God's whole counsel. Next in line is Reformed Dogmatics Prolegomena and Calvin's Institutes. I wish to finish 8 books in a year. Lord willing. I may also make a video tour of the library soon.


I mainly reserve Saturdays to studying for Sunday. Many times the LORD only gives the message in the early hours of Sunday. Coming to Him with nothing in my hands, with just dead notes, asking for the Holy Spirit to breathe life into it for Christ's name's sake - The LORD never fails us. Our worship includes numerous long readings of scripture: A weekly reading of the Commandments in the Old Testament, Assurance of forgiveness in the New, the Heidelberg Lord's day Catechism, Old and New Testament readings, breaking of bread, a closing doxology, and the Lord's benediction. The recordings have also piled up to a point that its become difficult to start combing through each one, edit a selection, and upload it to my youtube channel.


This month opens up on a pleasant note as an uncommon situation yielded rewards that bore fruit unto God's glory. (****) has finally passed her trainee status and was accepted during the early hours of this day. We are privileged to have had a part in her journey from a low point to this. You may pass this as a normal picture, but the story in between her difficult and humble beginnings leading to this picture is one to praise God for.

I thank my God. I have never been busier in my life. May this all bear fruit for the Lamb who is worthy of the reward for His suffering.
