Eternal Investments
Russell is 15. He is the 8th of 10 siblings, of which the 7th died. His mom stays at home and his father is an alcoholic. His eldest brother has his own family and is still sharing theit small house with all of them. He earns $3 a day helping people carry their groceries from the cart to the public transports. I told him there was a time that I was earning $3 a week so he is actually richer than I am.
Felix on the other hand is just over 10. I watched him as he was playfully tearing up the tract he managed to get hold of to turn it into a paper plane. They were sitting a good distance from me as I waited outside the grocery for Tina, praying that the LORD would lead a soul to me, and I noticed Russell making tops out of soda caps. I motioned to him and asked if I can join, so he came over and sat beside me, and we started talking about his day job, eventually steering the conversation to Jesus.
Talking with children for me is very refreshing. It is a time when I can let my guard down and speak with these precious souls freely in their own simple nursery language. No theological quibble, just heart to heart. Soul to soul. Adult to child. Father to son. Our stories moved from work, to earning money, to family, to people, to life, to death and sin, to how God sent His Son, to what Christ did on the cross, and to the hope of those who die in Christ.
I told Felix I watched him earlier tearing up my tract, and he shamefully apologized. He was still holding the pieces, and he started putting it back together again. Such a sweet boy. I also them I wasn't expecting them to remember what I said, but like a seed, its being planted in them. And one day when they're all grown up Father will send another of His children to remind them of what we talked about tonight. Russell's smile told me he understood.
There was a glow on their faces when my wife came and we parted ways. Russell can read so he received a bible to take home on top of the help they will bring back to their families. His thank yous playing over and over again in my mind. I watched him waving gleefully at me as we rode home into the night.
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