
Showing posts from October, 2022

Academics and Theology

 We are honored to receive this gift from a good brother in the LORD as an addition to the growing library. It is a massive read on such a profound subject that I have heard time and time again in the past that have only recently begun taking seriously. My approach to reading now is not the casual page turning I am accustomed to with regular books, but since providence did not have me enroll in Reformation Bible College I still am inclined to study, howbeit academically, systematically, and intuitively. As I was past my reading plan included on the subject of anthropology and its impact on practical ministry, I came across an important note worth emphasizing.  Pastors need to understand and believe what the Bible teaches them about the people wherein they serve. Shepherds must know their sheep (Proverbs 27:23). While this requires personal relationships as pastors watch over the souls entrusted to them (Hebrews 13:17), it also requires a deep knowledge of God;s word, which is ...

This Afternoon

It was of the LORD's providence that my dear wife could not be with us today for ministry after suffering a fall at home which left her incapacitated for two days, this being the third. We have learned to praise God in every instance most especially in unfavorable incidents believing that it is through trials and temptations that our graces are enlarged and strengthened, as crosses become more glorious when Father sovereignly adds greater weight, if only to show us His mighty hand at work. If grace is a mighty gift from heaven, temptations are also as precious gifts that grow our graces. It is the greatest of all glories to glory in the LORD. The grace that is tried is that faith that comes out as gold. If I were to rejoice if much gold were to be given me, then I should rejoice to have much affliction to try my graces.

Fresh Supplies

Since the early days of this small ministry, Father has faithfully provided for His work without fail. We have been waiting for months for an answer for provisions for new tracts and bibles and He has finally delivered.  Help came in from two of our fellow saints and dear children from Taiwan, Wilma and Mark , both dear children and spiritual offspring of our brother Blaine and sister Ingrid , (Mark's dear wife, Vea, traveled the distance from Pangasinan and fetching the stash of bibles from Baguio to bring it here to Bulacan) - and from our beloved brethren in Christian Word Center in Cavite City, headed by the Lord's faithful pastor, L.A. Cruz , who in behalf of the church sent us a box of new bibles to give away. His church hosts a weekly feeding and gospel ministry to a great number of poor people held inside a cemetery, and goes out to proclaim the gospel to the masses in the parks. And now they have looked graciously upon us for the help we need. Truly, a fellowship wor...

The Library Is Now Open

Immeasurably priceless is the LORD's most generous gift to our small gathering with this library comprised of Puritan writings and works. We never would have imagined to even acquire this on our own if not for the His kind hand in having us meet certain individuals who would provide these for us. Even more pleasant are the additional sets coming in the days ahead.  The young gentlemen and ladies of our small yet blessed congregation separated into groups and have commenced their in-depth study on the attributes of God beginning last Sunday and every weekend after that an hour before worship. This will go a long way into keeping us in the straight path upheld through the ages by men used mightily by God who passionately believed that the Holy Bible is the inerrant and sufficient standard of truth by which man is measured, and God builds up His church. Although it is very true that owning great books do not equal to great men, yet great men were raised up on great books. These works ...

The Coming War

Was assisted with power and boldness today, the LORD magnifying his Spirit through my barrenness. There were two unexpected interactions that came this day, one from a cultist braggart who was inviting my daughters to connect with their church and teaching which was clearly the run of the mill prophetic carnival that infests this superstitious country of ours. The other was from a simple soul who received a tract earlier but lingered close to us, waiting to inquire of us if the third temple will be constructed in the end times. I told him it is already up. That the youth in Israel are already being trained in the old ways of animal sacrifice, and proceeded to confess to him the futility and fatality of a curiosity apart from the saving power of Christ. After presenting the law and the gospel to him and leaving him with a bible I took the wife and children to a nearby carinderia by the street for some cheap but full dinner.

Of Family Devotions and Personal Growth

We started family devotions when we were holding house church in our previous residence every night on the book of Proverbs. Sadly, it is true that while holding daily devotions with the family requires great effort, it requires even greater effort to maintain it. After finishing our study on the book of Proverbs we stopped, partially due to my work schedule, while the weekly worship continued. There were two instances that I was still out and it was time for our dailies, that the children took the initiative to continue the study themselves. I remember being very pleased.  Family devotions are crucial especially in this day and age of information overload. The mind of the child is being conditioned by the world at their fingertips, and almost all of what they soak in are detrimental to their thought process, and in enmity with the Spirit. I lay the blame of the ever increasing number of worldly children with Christian parents to the absence and negligence of family worship. It ...

Eternal Investments

Russell is 15. He is the 8th of 10 siblings, of which the 7th died. His mom stays at home and his father is an alcoholic. His eldest brother has his own family and is still sharing theit small house with all of them. He earns $3 a day helping people carry their groceries from the cart to the public transports. I told him there was a time that I was earning $3 a week so he is actually richer than I am. Felix on the other hand is just over 10. I watched him as he was playfully tearing up the tract he managed to get hold of to turn it into a paper plane. They were sitting a good distance from me as I waited outside the grocery for Tina, praying that the LORD would lead a soul to me, and I noticed Russell making tops out of soda caps. I motioned to him and asked if I can join, so he came over and sat beside me, and we started talking about his day job, eventually steering the conversation to Jesus. Talking with children for me is very refreshing. It is a time when I can let my guard down a...

Cleaning The Stash

The Christian In Complete Armor by William Gurnall One of the very first books I ordered from 2017 after hearing Leonard Ravenhill recommend it. Two volumes in one book make for a massive read of priceless insight from the puritan era.  "Arguably the most significant spiritual and biblical theology ever penned from the English Puritan era, the presentation of William Gurnall's (1616-1679) The Christian in Complete Armour in an accessible single volume is certainly a landmark, and much welcomed, event." "According to the Apostle Paul, the world is at war. Not a "hot war" but a war in the realm of the spirit. This war, paul warns, requires special armament, and he explains that armament in Ephesians 6. Anglican cleric Gurnall began to explore Paul's exhortation in sermons and lectures, which he published under the title The Christian in Complete Armor. A perennial best-seller in Gurnall's own lifetime, these teachings became his legacy, influencing...