Last From The Library. For Now.
Why build a library?
I believe there are few worldly investments as worthy as good books. For one, they will outlive me. The cost incurred is very little, a very good trade, if you think of the generations that would benefit from that particular purchase that seem costly at the time. To be able to borrow illumination from the minds that shaped an era, particularly the Reformed era, is precious, not to mention extremely helpful. Seeing that the LORD has placed me in this lot He has also provided the means for this servant to deliver, with discretion and discernment of course.
A wise man of God said, between two men who teach different ideas of one verse, we can look back to 1800 years of church history, and confirm where the minds of godly men collectively stand on the issue. Not that I do not trust modern writers, I am familiar with the work of a few I chose to read. (It is wise to pick what you put into your fruit basket). But I prefer the Puritans, as they have been tested by time, and found to be true. I am only beginning to see the relevance and value of the Puritan teachings now that I have begun reading them, and how they can be used as a guide and measuring stick to look to when separating what is true and what is false.
The Bible is still the main book from which all written books of men flow from. But it is beyond astounding to see the immense volume of literal treasure that God will allow men to pull from even just one verse. The commentaries are very valuable, but still to be tread upon carefully, and not to be taken wholly. With the little I have begun to digest, I have been humbled to realize I am in the same road as the Puritans, though far from the mind and capacity of being one. Yet Father has guided me faithfully into the old paths in the rediscovery of His truth.
I want to thank Father for the kindness of a good brother in the Visayas, and another brother here in Manila, and for our dear Taiwan church, for providing me with these ink on paper treasures I have been honored to recommend here during my recent posts.
The Decades of Heinrich Bullinger
Henry Bullinger was one of the most widely esteemed leaders of the Reformation Churches. The Decades was the most famous of the 150 treatises and manuscripts that he wrote, deriving its name from being a series of fifty theological addresses divided into five groups of ten. Each address is a helpful, detailed exposition of an important doctrine. Combined, they provide an overview of the Christian faith suitable for the everyday Christian. When first published The Decades outsold Calvin’s Institutes in England, a work that performs a similar function. This edition features introductions to the life of Bullinger and to the work itself by George Ella and Joel R. Beeke.
John Colquhoun
(If there is such a book to look into regarding the subject of limited atonement. This is it.)
The Heart of Christ in Heaven towards Sinners on Earth was first published in 1651, and it soon became Thomas Goodwin’s (1600-1680) most popular work. It is a fine example of his Christ-centredness and his mix of theological rigour and pastoral concern. In it he aims to show from Scripture that, in all his heavenly majesty, Christ is not now aloof from believers and unconcerned, but has the strongest affections for them.
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