Gifts To The Church
Father continues to provide for His work. This time by sending help from overseas. God used a brother in the United States to provide the little lambs with new bibles. Since they are new to the faith, they were using whatever they had at home. But now these new accountabilities. May the LORD use these to cause them to be fruitful and glorify.

My own bible has had its share of battles. After 13 years of use it was time I acquired my own Tagalog version. The King James is still my go to text. But having a translation in my native language opens up the scriptures in a new light, provided I compare its context with the KJV and two concordance, with which I use Strong's and Vine's.

My own bible has had its share of battles. After 13 years of use it was time I acquired my own Tagalog version. The King James is still my go to text. But having a translation in my native language opens up the scriptures in a new light, provided I compare its context with the KJV and two concordance, with which I use Strong's and Vine's.

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