The Supremacy of Christ

We launch into an extensive series study on the letter to the Hebrews. This endeavor might take us 6 months or so to complete but already session 1 and 2 has yielded a vast treasure trove of knowledge for me, the LORD further expanding my horizons in awe of Him. I cannot get over, and thoroughly enjoyed reflecting on the fact that Jesus, after finishing the work on the cross, sat down.
..when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.
Hebrews 1:3
It struck me to realize there were no seats for the priests who offered sacrifices day in day out in the tabernacle in the wilderness. That was because there was a continuous need to sacrifice daily, first, for the personal sins of each individual priest (7:27) and only then can they sacrifice for each citizen who brought in a sin offering. The sheer work and number of cattle to be sacrificed every single day seemed endless, as the commission of sin was endless, hence they had no time to rest and sit. In spite of all this, the sacrifices never took away the sin (10:11), much less the guilt. The access to God was either open or closed until the next sin or sacrifice. Worst of all, the people never had a personal connection to God, except through a high priest, who himself was prone to weakness and sin.

But Christ, never needing to sacrifice anything on His behalf, the sinless Lamb, pleased God well by the perfect offering of Himself. Being made superior to the old covenant, to priests, to Moses, to angels, in every way. Afterwhich HE SAT DOWN.

I have never had such a greater revelation of sweet and faithful truth than to dissect these words: SAT DOWN; meaning the sacrifice for sins was perfect and acceptable, does not necessitate a repeat, and the access to God was opened forever. The gap separating man from God, restored. He sat, and not just on any seat, but ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, not on the earth, but ON HIGH. 

To think that my very own Savior, Mediator, elder Brother, Friend, Lover is there before God praying for me, strengthens and thrills me to no end. Ah, LORD you are so great, and is none like you: even before, or after, and forevermore will there never be anyone compared to you.

The weekly breaking of bread endears us also closer to our sweet Lord, and brings us all to the very table with the disciples, surrounded by beloved brethren two thousand years ago, as our courageous Captain was about to offer Himself up on our behalf. Sharing both in the grief of what was about to happen, and the glory that would follow thereafter.

Thank you Father for your overflowing kindness towards us in giving us Your sweet Son Jesus. Even in our lifetime.
