By The Grace of God

We have begun a new study in discovering the true biblical gospel. This study is lifted in part from the HeartCry Missionary Society's
workbook, wherein it centers on the revelation of the fullness of God as
the divine purpose for everything that is.
It is crucial for the serious believer to know who he is before God, who God is as He has revealed Himself in sacred scripture, what God has done for him through the cross of Christ, and how God is accomplishing His will in the believer's sanctification by the power of His Spirit.
It is evident both in myself and the majority of the universal church body, how we have lost our awe of God. Today we can casually read and teach that 'Christ died for us' without that proper sense of grief, and joy. It does not affect our life, to both know and believe that Christ indeed came and died for His people, is now seated in power in the heavens, again to return just as He has promised. We can academically define how the power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that raises us to a newness of life the same way we non-nonchalantly read just about any other secular prose. We do not live and move and have our being solely in and for Christ. It does not move us to overcome our embarrassment and proclaim Him in public. It does not grieve us enough to engage in unrelenting prayer and storm the gates of heaven for God to cause the rain of His righteousness to fall upon the land.
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