Back To The Fields
This late afternoon labor at one of our fishing holes although yielding apathy also brought about much encouragement, and in the end immense joy. In this small work, we have found that not only does the Lord seek out his sheep, but He also lifts up his children.

We have had numerous occasions where believers from other churches come up to us greatly encouraged by the work. It is such a blessing to us every time this happens. While there are a few who have condemned our preaching as unloving and un-Christ-like, the better instances far outweigh the bad ones.

We have noticed that people personally come up to us and quite often, turn back just to ask for a tract upon hearing the message of the gospel. To rely solely on the giving away of tracts and bibles without the proclamation of Christ is to render incomplete and unsatisfying work, at least for me. Too many public preachers offer forgiveness and eternal life, but few offer men Christ. The value of Christ and his finished work on the cross in the message is the very life of the preaching. It centers all the attention on the Son, which is the goal that I desperately strive for. Not merely the offense of man, but the offense of man against a thrice-holy God. Not a call to a better religion, but a better devotion borne out of an intense and insatiable yearning to glorify God.

God has graciously given us a wonderful message of hope that requires no additional flavoring, no clever method of presentation, but it is a message that has no compromise. God will not reason with anyone when it comes to His beloved Son. it would do us well to tread lightly, consider our motives, and tremble with fear.

This young pastor came up to talk with my wife as he heard us from afar. He openly expressed his views from the urgent need for the public proclamation of the gospel and about his disdain for large ministries that are housed inside malls thriving on that despicable concept of prosperity preaching. May the Lord keep him pure in His mercy. The people around us, all the while, noticeably keeping a safe distance to make as if ignoring us, but intently listening.

Dark clouds gathered ominously towards the end of the message as if slowly feeding on the strong warnings we were giving the people. I did not mind the rain but gave my soul to plead with this stiff-necked audience up till the last word. I ended. Walked towards the crossing to which we made our way back to where we were parked. Then fierce rain fell, catching the people who were taking their time casually waiting for the rides they preferred.
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