
"What are you doing here, Elijah?" The past month or so on many, many nights I while I worked on the plans for the house that I am to build, I can barely keep my eyes open by 3AM. There are instances when I just lay beside my wife tired and fall asleep, unable to even turn off the computer. But plenty still are those nights when my spirit cannot stay silent, and I become guilty before God. Spending the greater part of my time for something so noble as to provide shelter for the family, I was in the process, neglecting my ministry: not to the public proclamation of the word, but towards the Lord himself. Grief-stricken in my soul, I would lay on the cold floor face down worshiping, adoring the Lord for the Holy God that He is till daybreak before my body retires by itself. I do not have any excuse so as to neglect worship. What can I truly give to the Lord that would make Him wonder, or what can I say that would take Him by surprise? What can I conceive in my hea...