
Showing posts from August, 2019


"What are you doing here, Elijah?" The past month or so on many, many nights I while I worked on the plans for the house that I am to build, I can barely keep my eyes open by 3AM. There are instances when I just lay beside my wife tired and fall asleep, unable to even turn off the computer. But plenty still are those nights when my spirit cannot stay silent, and I become guilty before God. Spending the greater part of my time for something so noble as to provide shelter for the family, I was in the process, neglecting my ministry: not to the public proclamation of the word, but towards the Lord himself. Grief-stricken in my soul, I would lay on the cold floor face down worshiping, adoring the Lord for the Holy God that He is till daybreak before my body retires by itself. I do not have any excuse so as to neglect worship. What can I truly give to the Lord that would make Him wonder, or what can I say that would take Him by surprise? What can I conceive in my hea...

Our Biggest Build Yet

After over a month of working at home as a recluse, the design for the house I am planning to build is nearly complete. I just have to add some few outside supports for proving the roof against typhoons. The design has also undergone simulation against earthquakes. But our real security rests in our God, who does as He pleases. Budget constraints have knocked our previous shipping container plans to using just lumber. My years in skateboarding building halfpipes from scratch have been put to good use. I have also anticipated and included space for prayer gatherings and overnight prayer watches with the brethren. There were issues regarding the land Father gave us, but we decided to proceed with the build instead and leave the outcome to God. We will pray in faith and prepare the soil to receive the answer to that faith. If the day should come that the government would tear the house down, then I leave everything to the Lord. I have nothing to be anxious about. Much greater...

Back To The Fields

This late afternoon labor at one of our fishing holes although yielding apathy also brought about much encouragement, and in the end immense joy. In this small work, we have found that not only does the Lord seek out his sheep, but He also lifts up his children.  We have had numerous occasions where believers from other churches come up to us greatly encouraged by the work. It is such a blessing to us every time this happens. While there are a few who have condemned our preaching as unloving and un-Christ-like, the better instances far outweigh the bad ones. We have noticed that people personally come up to us and quite often, turn back just to ask for a tract upon hearing the message of the gospel. To rely solely on the giving away of tracts and bibles without the proclamation of Christ is to render incomplete and unsatisfying work, at least for me. Too many public preachers offer forgiveness and eternal life, but few offer men Christ. The value of Christ and his fini...