When God Shakes The Tree
This morning my wife saw the large soursop we have been watching over for weeks now laying on the ground crushed, and immediately I remembered reading a recent article about an American pastor who had a huge following, as he was also a prominent book writer, finally admit he was not (no longer?) a Christian. He went on to sincerely commend the affection and love he received more from the celebrating sodomite community, among others, than the Christians. While the news caused some to react negatively, most were saddened, a few were condemning, but this was to be expected. Not that we are to expect people whom we thought to brethren to fall, but that the times are such that the differences between what is true and what is false is reduced to a mere hairline that is almost invisible, the most grievous offences coming from within Christendom itself, from the very people who shepherd God's own flock. The word of God has already declared in times past.
For thus says the LORD of hosts, 'Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. ~Haggai 2:6
I have, time and again, shut down my social media accounts. I have found it more disheartening than edifying to read the back and forth opinions of educated but prayerless men of the things of God. I have even convinced myself not to write publicly anymore, confine my thoughts to my journal, to refrain even from speaking behind the pulpit, yet here I am. To paraphrase the words of the apostle Paul, better be it for me to take my leave and work in silence, nevertheless to abide in public is more needful for the saints for their furtherance and exhortation towards Christ. Yet every time, God seemed to send people to remind and encourage me how the little work that I do, have reached farther through the grace of God than I expected it to.
I have been honored and blessed to have connected with brethren whom I believe I never would have met if not for the use of social media. And though I do not celebrate the medium, for it serves both good to those who are good, and evil to those who are evil, I strive to put it to good use as I see fit, according to good conscience, to communicate the message of Christ across; to people I have long ceased contact with; my old classmates, acquaintances, and workmates, who surprisingly encourage me, in spite of many being unbelievers, to continue posting. In the course of things the Lord graciously teaching me towards the true way - to center everything on Christ. I may give men eloquent sermons and passionate preaching, but all is worth nothing if I do not offer men Christ.
I have been honored and blessed to have connected with brethren whom I believe I never would have met if not for the use of social media. And though I do not celebrate the medium, for it serves both good to those who are good, and evil to those who are evil, I strive to put it to good use as I see fit, according to good conscience, to communicate the message of Christ across; to people I have long ceased contact with; my old classmates, acquaintances, and workmates, who surprisingly encourage me, in spite of many being unbelievers, to continue posting. In the course of things the Lord graciously teaching me towards the true way - to center everything on Christ. I may give men eloquent sermons and passionate preaching, but all is worth nothing if I do not offer men Christ.
Thinking on these things, there are also amazing realizations that would be wise for me to hold up against the light. The tremendous movings in the spiritual realm in these last times:
One. A resurgence in the emphasis and holding on to correct doctrine. Blessed be God for His mercy in preserving not only his word but His truth, in that he opened my spirit to the grievous errors of my proud view that centers on man and dishonors God. A truly blasphemous doctrine that made God a liar, unable to keep his promises to His sheep, helpless, and impotent. Indeed, if being born again as a new creature is of the Spirit, it is also the work of the Spirit to be given new eyes to understand true and biblical doctrine that renders to God the proper reverence and worship.
Two. It is safe to say that there was never a time such as the present that a sudden boom in the public proclamation of the Gospel worldwide is clearly seen. Social media has been instrumental in bridging the physical gap, and have communicated ideas across instantly. Indeed, knowledge shall increase in the last days, and to be able to see and hear how brethren from a distant land is emboldened to preach the good news, also emboldens the least of us. What wonderful means has been granted us! To see God's servants expecting and willing to suffer persecution for the sake of the gospel. And to witness as well, along with the growing number of laborers, the world's hatred for the gospel. This does not even count the hundreds of families who have left all to live among tribes in other countries just to minister to them the good news. Whether Christ is preached pretense or in truth, of envy and strife or of good will, n spite of man, God is moving.
Three. The final revealing of the true vileness and condition of the heart of man and his depravity. An almost frightening surge in the demand to kill the newborn, the move to pervert the dignity of the family and sanctity of marriage, by the perversion of marriage now inclusive of persons of the same sex, and indoctrinating pre-schools to accept and normalize such abnormal behavior. Pedophilia. Rape and incest. The boom of the pornography industry. Adultery in and out of the church. Fornication, from the young to the old. The plan for worldwide depopulation. The perversion of science. The perversion of truth. The rise of celebrity pastors, a rise in the number of angry preachers, the establishment of mega-churches, and proliferation of dead professing 'christians', falsely so-called. The searing of the conscience and the despising of the cross of Christ. Too many to mention and too painful to enumerate.
and when it was filled, they drew it up on the beach; and they sat down and gathered the good fish into containers, but the bad they threw away. ~Matthew 13:48
When God shakes his tree, all we can ever do is hang on dearly to Christ, and the rotten fruits are sure to fall. For it is impossible that the Lord's spotless bride would be contaminated with anyone whom He did not ordain to be pure, even before the world began. He will make short but sure work, pruning his people, but the empty ones will fall. These empty ones do not consist merely of those in total rebellion to God, but also of false servants who do the Lord's work believing it is all of themselves - those whose acceptance with God rests in the value of their credentials and not on sole Christ's work. The servant who serves for a return of investment.
And while we rest in the sure work of Christ, His promises, His prayer for His sheep, and His sanctifying work in our daily breath, these are times where the fall of people who once professed the faith should, instead of making us haughty, humble us before the Holy God, that having done all unto the end, we may be counted worthy to stand before and beside the Son of man.
And while we rest in the sure work of Christ, His promises, His prayer for His sheep, and His sanctifying work in our daily breath, these are times where the fall of people who once professed the faith should, instead of making us haughty, humble us before the Holy God, that having done all unto the end, we may be counted worthy to stand before and beside the Son of man.
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