To Be Partakers For The Gospel's Sake.
Late last year we received notice to vacate the house we have been renting for over five years. Our gracious landlord has finally decided to put it up for sale. Since 1995 we have rented and lived in seven different homes and places, with the children frequently transferring schools accordingly. At the beginning of the year my wife and I have been under the pressure of combing almost five barangays trying to find a new home, talking with different people, visiting different farmlands, (the Lord deeply impressing upon me to look for a place in the middle of a field) and each time we go home dejected. Until two weeks ago, the Lord turned our thoughts to the place where the church we fellowshipped was.
A dear sister helped us get in touch with a resident just outside the walls of the village, in the middle of a farm lot, whom we talked with last weekend. All the waiting on the Lord for confirmation finally bore fruit yesterday morning while my wife was in her early morning devotions:
1 Corinthians 9:22-23 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might, by all means, save some. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.
There are two things worth mentioning here.
One, we value our privacy very much as a family. It's been more than a decade since I went out with any friends, (not that I have any), and my children grew up sheltered from the rowdy kids in the neighborhood. We are very exclusive, in the sense that we managed for all these years to keep a good distance from our own relatives, and from other people. We like it this way.
Two, years ago we talked with the children about doing mission work. The idea of being missionaries has long been on our thoughts. I have exchanged letters with a few missionary societies but I have learned that it takes a sending congregation with money for us to go. This plan therefore, took a back seat.
It was evident that God was orchestrating our life in a way we did not expect but fell perfectly in line with what we desired to do.
First, He graciously steered me towards a correct and biblical understanding of His salvation. Added to this, my wife also whole-heatedly understood and embraced this blessed truth that renders to God all the glory and none to us. It was a pleasant revelation that of all the humble brothers whom I knit hearts with, both here and abroad, were firm believers in the sovereignty of God. it was through His divine providence that I have arrived at the same truths held on to by the Reformers of old.
Second, He gave us a small but biblical church that adhered strongly to the doctrines of grace. A body we can comfortably worship with. Howbeit being poor, we are privileged to share in the grace of seeing God move among these beloved people of low esteem yet are held by Lord in the highest honor of being sons and daughters of the most high God.
Third, my wife and I have been given a heart united, and affection unashamed, to finally live and labor among the brethren. As I said, we have always been exclusive and private. But God has removed this hedge so we may be partakers of the blessed fruits of His vineyard. Their problems, groans, and praise is to be our honor to partake of as well.
Much much more is needed for the house to materialize before the end of the year. Due to another directive from the Lord, the funds we have saved for this purpose went to another cause. Now it is our turn to be lacking and to call upon the Lord for deliverance. But though our temporal needs be great, my need for Christ is far greater. The desperation for holiness more serious. The war against sin more grievous. The desire to pray more critical. The wisdom to lead my family more needful. I know that I need not worry about things people void of hope worry about, but at this trying time, the war to pacify the mind to focus solely in the worship of God, seek to get the better of me. But I am not of those without hope.
Luke 10:4 Carry neither bag, nor scrip..
God is gracious. If He will affix his authorship with this work, He will surely provide well enough for the needs of His children, for His glory.
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