During Lunch Break

This post may seem vague, but it is intentional. This was my first time to cross three rivers to get to just one place, and I brought no slippers. I was wearing only my Chucks. But a little wise thinking enabled me to cross without getting the soles of my feet wet. My children and I were just discussing about going on a hike yesterday, and here I am on a hike trail unplanned. During a break, I felt a strong conviction to approach this group of locals sitting idly watching our group finish their meal, and so I did. The Lord opened an opportunity for me to share the good news with them. We spoke for about thirty minutes and he, along with his children and friends, was very open to what I shared. We had a friendly exchange, and he was visibly affected when the topic was about accountability and sin. Simple people are very easy to talk to. No pride or ego involved. No confrontation. But my heart was going out to him as he listened. His name is Roland....