Last Batch
Morning outreach and fellowship with brother Roland, one of the few fiery preachers I know of. Two locations in Cubao, Manila. We pleaded at the intersection of the Metro Rail and walked the length of this street preaching to the lines of tricycles and jeepneys that made it their very own terminal.
A month ago the Lord dealt graciously in having another brother I worked with more than fifteen years ago to suddenly call me and hand over his support for more bibles to be given away. I determined never to let anyone know of our needs but rely solely on the Lord in sustaining us. More importantly I have received kind and very encouraging words from brethren half the world away in supporting me through their prayers. Indeed I am surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.
We spent the afternoon preaching to the crowd at Quezon City where a group of nuns were present and they were able to listen to the presentation of the law and the Gospel. Moreover I am encouraged to see the church at Batia, Bulacan finally becoming more active in public ministry. This is very good. At a time where social media and church buildings are becoming the safest and most comfortable places for a Christian to be in, we are reminded not to simply flex our theology on these platforms, as most professing Christians are in the habit of doing, but we are commanded to follow the example of our Master: to cry aloud and spare not. To lift up our voices and show this nation its transgression. To go out and to compel the people to come in, that the Lord's house may be filled.
There is absolutely no excuse for those who have tasted the Lord's kindness and mercy not to go out and stand witness to it. The Gospel is no good to people if they do not hear it. The Christian is rendered useless if he does not tell the world about it. Let those who fear hide under a bushel. Let the gratitude of the true recipients of grace shine forth. Most treat the Great Commission as optional. i ask myself, does the Gospel continue through me or does it stop at me? If Christ were to live my life, would he still be crucified?
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