Their Pride And Ours

Every month is nothing special to me. For a long time now I have not observed or celebrated my birthday, nor my wife's or children's. Not even Christmas. From the day I realized what the Lord has done for me every day has been thanksgiving day. I have begun to question my motives regarding public ministry lately, choosing at times to go out without the camera, to see for myself if I can wholeheartedly minister even without an audience. It seems that nowadays, even preachers want everybody else to know what they do. Do some go out for the sake of posting content? I wouldn't know and I do not think anyone would admit to doing so. I was reminded to continue recording simply for documentation and safety purposes. So I have slowly stepped away from publicizing the ministry's movements since last month. Save for sharing an occasional insight or two on Facebook, I've resorted to other networking apps where I don't have many followers, therefore I am still able to d...