Resistance to the Gospel

I was not even thinking when we passed this marketplace in Caypombo as I suddenly turned inside a vacant lot to park, and prayed. I had driven past a spot, an hour ago, which I thought would be a good place to proclaim the Gospel, but now we found ourselves here in a different place. Far inside the heart of Bulacan.

There was a sense of spiritual oppression that filled this place. I do not know what its history is, but public proclamation was frowned upon. The owner of the establishment I was standing on seemed annoyed, but however we viewed the opportunity, it looks as though we are here to witness against the place.

We were enabled to freely distribute just 29 bibles and close to just a hundred tracts, but it was not without difficulty and verbal resistance. This was the first time we have people refusing free bibles even if we were emphasizing that all they had to do was take it. But then the Lord did smile upon a few souls who welcomed both the proclamation of the word and the giving away of it.

O LORD God of hosts: because I have been taught by the power of thy Spirit, and as I have been called to this office, so thou hast stretched forth thine hand unto me that I may fulfill thy commands with good faith and constancy: therefore thy words were my delight, neither have I sat in the council of scorners, nor have I exalted myself for the sake of throwing off the yoke; for since I perceived that thou must be obeyed, I was, as it were, overpowered, yet I did not sit with the scorners, but I sat alone, because thou hast filled me with indignation. 

May the Lord show mercy to the people of Caypombo, Bulacan.
