A Time To Leave

Somebody bought the whole stock of bibles from my source this month, leaving me with nothing to bring today. Since I ditched driving to work I am more free to minister to where the Lord leads me whether going to work or going home. My route takes me almost 40 kilometers one way and I get to interact and ride with different people. Every opportunity to minister has stories I get to take back with me and learn from.

This past month lay really heavy on me. I finally lost all passion and zeal for my work. Gone. Depleted. Sucked to the core. Although I have submitted my resignation letter middle of last year, things are becoming more clearer that I have to move on without looking back. Should I leave now, I would still be looking for work to support my family and three of my children who are still in school, but any simple work will do. I don't mind stepping down the social ladder. I did not pursue working to achieve social status anyway. Worries tend to creep under me trying to undermine the Lord's peace but it is clear to me that I know in whom I have believed. And He is able to do exceeding abundantly far and above all I can ask or think.

The Lord encouraged me with a message from a fellow I remember in the queue going up the terminal this evening thanking me for the tract he received. He also asked if I could give him more so he can give it away to people as well. It turns out he is a brother from the 1611 KJV Church in Pasig. They are the same group who went to witness and preach against the Nazareno event in Quiapo early this year. Here are pictures lifted from their FB page. God bless these brethren.

At this point of my life I just need God to whisper to me that I am right in the middle of where He wants me. In this quiet time of waiting I am currently finding my occupation in studying the word and prayer. I believe my apprehensions in leaving work keeps the Lord from pouring out his full blessing upon me. It is not the work that keeps me from receiving it, because I will still work to provide for my family's needs, but the fear of leaving work. (LORD, help my unbelief.) I have to reconcile my commitment to fully fall back to the Lord, knowing He is more than able and will provide for me, and push forward with it. I look to the Lord who is my Help and my Rock.

Never a man who went away regretting he followed the Lord. 
