Children's Study
The children's Genesis book study comes to a close ( by the Lord's grace), and anticipation is high as we announced the start of our Exodus study next week Lord willing.
This is our second major review of the events taken up from creation all the way to Joseph. The study of Genesis was a great opportunity to thoroughly explain that God created only male and female, to talk about the perversion that is homosexuality, and its modern day attempt to corrupt children's minds and destroy the family.
Today's reviews were about the experiential application of Scripture. To teach them how to react biblically regarding scenarios with their family, friends, about forgiveness, telling the truth, the evils of lying and cursing, and Christ's finished work on the cross being the only way back to God apart from works.That salvation is through Christ alone. It was very humbling to hear them answering advanced trivia about Genesis and about our catechism studies. Here the children are competing with the other group arranging in order all the old testament books.

God owns all of creation. Even our abilities to teach His children. And so we can claim nothing of ourselves in anything we do. We can only do these things because it is God alone who enables us to. The glory is His.
See, children are a heritage from the Lord; the fruit of the body is his reward. Like arrows in the hand of a man of war, are the children of the young. Happy is the man who has many of them; he will not be put to shame, but his cause will be supported by them against his haters.
Psalms 127:3-5
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