Ignorant Worship
I chanced upon this group of young adults minding their wares as I was distributing tracts around Santa Maria. Since they were in my route I handed them a tract as well but they politely declined, so I asked if it was because they were not allowed to receive materials from other sources. They just looked at each other for an answer. So I asked them if they can tell me what their books were all about, and the boy in charge simply told me to get one. It was quite a one sided exchange; I was practically begging them to share the gospel to me, but surprisingly I was directed to go see a psychologist instead. I must have looked like a lunatic to them judging by the advice I was given. Oh these poor, poor souls. They refused to engage and promptly told me, "I invoke my right to silence." The boy read to me their prepared scripture: James 3:13-18. Explaining it to mean that those who ask such intimidating questions (please share the gospel with me) are sowing strife and discord, because I am inviting a debate, which is an evil work, and that I should be peaceable and gentle instead; that I should simply take a book from the shelf and move on.
It is no small thing what these cults do and propagate. It is akin to me standing in the public square and declaring to the people, "Jesus is simply one of many gods. He was a god and is no Savior!" Utter blasphemy. This poison, when taken by the soul, damns. It terrifies me to be responsible for the damnation of even a single soul. But these people make it their business. The young ladies looked as young as my daughters. I felt great pity for them for being in a system they know nothing about. I can only yearn to snatch their souls from hell fire with the truth about Christ. But before I can start, the leader stood up and whispered to his team that they should move to another location.
The children of God should not be as ignorant as the people who do not know their God. We are to believe and are to be sure that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God (John 6:69). For how can we call on him if we do not believed? (Rom 10:14) In whom we also trust, after hearing the word of truth and the gospel of our salvation: and in believing we were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise (Eph 1:13). In Christ is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3 ). How then can we love Him whom we have not seen? How can we rejoice then if we do not believe (1 Peter 1:8 )? How can we give a ready answer to anyone who asks us for a reason for the hope that is in us? (1 Peter 3:15) Hence the children of God are those who have no cause for shame, for they know whom they have believed, and am persuaded (2 Timothy 1:12 ). It is the people who know their God who shall be firm and take action (Daniel 11:32). We are to know the one true God. Ignorant worship of Him, is nothing more than idolatry.
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