
Showing posts from May, 2023

Pastoral Theology

Pastoral Theology: The Man of God, His Shepherding, Evangelizing, and Counseling Labors by Albert Martin From 1978 to 1998, Pastor A.N. Martin taught Pastoral Theology in the Trinity Ministerial Academy, a church-based ministerial training institution. Every Friday throughout the academic year, all the students would gather for two hours of teaching presented in a four-year cycle. Subsequently various series of the audiotapes were widely circulated. Many expressed their desire to see these lectures printed. Volume One Many expressed their desire to see these lectures printed. As an intermediate step in responding to that desire, the Trinity Baptist Church eldership decided to encourage Pastor Martin to rework the original lectures and deliver them one final time, while professionally recording them. This project was begun in 2007 and completed in 2012 with Pastor Martin teaching his entire Pastoral Theology course “one more time” to 25 to 30 men. The transcriptions of these DVD lectures...

Teaching God's Commandments To Children

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:7-9 Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Matthew 10:14 We believe in the eternality of the Law (Matthew 5:18) . We also understand that the Law was not given as a means to righteousness before God (Romans 3:20, 10:3, Acts 13:39) but as a rule for living (Romans 7:10) as established by God. Adam by sin forfeited the benefits of the covenant of works (Genesis 1:28) , and instead earned its curses (Genesis 3:17) , Christ came by divine decree to accomplish the perfection demanded by the Law (Matthew 5:17) , and redeem Adam's seed, by this we mean that seed that pertained to the woman's, the elect, by faith, from its curse (Galatians 3:13, Titus 2:14) Therefore by this we declare that Christ is the very righteousness of God (John 1...

Kletos Covenantal Ministries

For now we are a very small gathering of believers ministering in an obscure farm location in the boundaries of Bocaue and Pandi, Bulacan under the informal oversight of biblically mature elders and the presbytery. We firmly stand on the authority, sufficiency, and inerrancy of God's word with emphasis on the public proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the observance of Sabbath, Catechism, and daily intentional family worship. If the Lord would will one day, diakoniai will finally be changed to ekklesia , to the glory of God the Father. κλητός - kletos - the called invited (by God in the proclamation of the gospel) to obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of God through Christ. διαθήκη - diatheke - covenant In Reformed theology, the Pactum Salutis has been defined as a pretemporal, intra-trinitarian agreement between the Father and Son in which the Father promises to redeem an elect people. In turn the Son volunteers to earn the salvation of his people by becoming incarna...