A Gift From The Church To The Church
Since I cannot remember the last time I won something (my memory fails me), I am indescribably grateful to the LORD for the program of Paulo's Library for considering the work here in Bocaue, Bulacan worthy of consideration in awarding us this most precious set on The Whole Counsel of God by Richard Gamble. My books are mostly of authors of the Puritan era, all provided for by Father Himself, save for some contemporary but none the less valuable titles, so this set is a most welcome addition to the programs and lessons already in line for the sheepfold's spiritual consumption. God has graciously magnified in us the excitement of learning and sharing, of feeding the Lord's flock, as He provides us the means to come to know Him more intimately, so that we may live for Him experientially.
God has blessed and enabled His people with a kind heart to sponsor such programs that aim to assist remote shepherds who possess little to no means for much needed theological resource - namely, a library. Lawyers and doctors have their own walls lined up with books on their profession, local pastors, yea, remote ones, scarcely fill a portion of a desk with their personal resource, considering the reality that the care for souls outweigh any worldly pursuit. It is true in most cases that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the light, but to pursue knowledge in whatever means available is commendable, such as the gaining of talents to present before the King is commendable. The church is enlarged, the givers are blessed, the zeal for learning and giving coming only from the grace of God.
We, on behalf of Kletos Ministries in Batia, Bocaue, Bulacan, are privileged to extend our most humble gratitude to Paulo's Library and the selfless sponsors who partnered with them in the provision, exhortation, and encouragement of the local body of Christ, who alone deserve the greatest of glory and praise.
The Whole Counsel of God by Richard Gamble
Richard Gamble explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology for the glory of God and the enrichment of his church. Gamble, an authority on Calvin, engages the writings of theologians across disciplines—from Calvin, Turretin, Witsius, and Ć Brakel, to Bavinck, Vos, Kline, Dillard, Frame, and many more—to assist him in this task.
Volume 1
This volume recounts God's mighty acts in the Old Testament. It discloses the theology of the Old Testament within the organic, progressive, historical development of the Bible. Gamble blends a survey of the entire Old Testament with discussions of topics as diverse as the canon, days of creation, faith and reason, covenants, the Ten Commandments, Old Testament ecclesiology, the nature of God, justification, and Old Testament apologetics.
Richard Gamble’s three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. “He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology,” Richard Pratt writes; not only that, he “penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that every believer faces.” Gamble engages the writings of theologians across disciplines and through church history to assist him in this task.
Volume 2
Following the first volume—God’s Mighty Acts in the Old
Testament—The Full Revelation of God examines the nature of New
Testament Scripture, introducing New Testament authors and their
writings. Gamble covers the doctrine of God, soteriology, ecclesiology,
and anthropology and concludes by presenting a biblical philosophy of
life and a defense of Christianity.
“A very comprehensive
theological project, embracing the disciplines of biblical theology,
historical theology, and systematic theology,” writes John Frame.
“Nothing comparable in scope has been done in the last hundred years
within the circles of Reformed orthodoxy.”
Volume 3
Having closely studied the Old and New Testaments in his first two volumes, Gamble turns to examine how the church has handled God’s holy Word throughout two thousand years of unfolding history in the West. In continuity with the rest of this work, the final installment presents a study of apologetics as well as practical application—integral parts of the whole counsel of God. Readers will follow the development of systematic theology in its context and, learning from the church’s past mistakes, be better able to defend it to the world.
Richard C. Gamble (Ph.D., Universitat Basel) is a professor at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh. He previously was professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando; professor of historical theology at Calvin College and Seminary; and associate professor of church history at Westminster Theological Seminary.
Book Descriptions from heritagebooks.org
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