Past The Shut Door

I see it necessary to write about the past year, without having to go into unsavory details, and look instead on the hand of God that wrought this wonderful work which I now look back to in awe and wonder. When we started our family bible studies on the last week of February 2021 we were just 6 people including I. It ran 6 nights a week even while we were in our previous congregation, till we were found out and was questioned because it was unsanctioned. This slowly led me to believe my direction was different from the local church's. After long weeks of praying and heart searching, I came to the conclusion: we needed to separate. But it had to be done the loving way. It was never in my mind to disturb the waters or seek attention, so I also sought the counsel of godly pastors who had nothing to do with the matter, and this made their judgment unbiased. Everyone of them had dealt with members leaving, and all of them still wanted to retain the Christ like love of fellowship f...