By God's Spirit

I know your works as well as your labor and endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil. You have even put to the test those who claim themselves as apostles (but are not), and have exposed them to be false. I am also aware that you have persisted consistently, endured much for the sake of my name, and have not grown tired.
Revelation 2.2-5

These last days have seen a resurgence in public preaching and doctrinal studies. The internet has had an indelible impact on the rise of the "commendable church". Its preaching. Its pursuit of knowledge, and its strict, and often selectively merciless, administration of church discipline. God aside, even people outside the church are aware of pastors faces and names in facebook when they do a good deed. The visible church has sung God's praise and have consistently done everything, howbeit comfortably, in His name. 'In Jesus' name,' has become a cliche of no value. Like the period in every sentence. There she stands in the temple with her great knowledge. But the head easily forgets. And when it wants to remember something without laboring to understand it, it turns to rituals.

I find it appalling how people forgot that in high school one can memorize the day's lesson without understanding it. Understanding is what gives worth to knowledge. Applying it in real life is evidence you've understood. I've always told my children, if they memorize the lesson, they will forget it in a month or two, but if they understand it top to bottom, then they can teach it to others even in their old age.

But I have this against you: You have departed from your first love.

The difference between the visible but lukewarm church and the invisible but true church is not in its social standing and financial capacity. It is in its understanding and living out of the two great commandments. The visible church will have an eye for accomplishing more (Matthew 7.22), the invisible church will remain faithful to what God has entrusted to it (Matthew 25.21). Faithfulness trumps accomplishments everytime. Be it in this world and in the next. The visible church will do everything in the name of God, the invisibe church will do everything for the love of God.

Love for God is the difference. It is what makes the motivation pure. Oh, but many will claim a great love for God without the evidence of showing mercy for their fellow-believers, and even those who think differently than they do. The professing church has forsaken love and mercy in exchange for denomination and doctrine. Perhaps it believes itself 'established' and better when lined up against the seven churches in Revelation.

Therefore, remember from what high state you have fallen and repent! Do the deeds you did at the first; if not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place – that is, if you do not repent.

The lampstand is not salvation, it is the power to witness for Christ. Think of the many professing churches in the land and yet how dark it remains. Think of the pagans striving to keep the boat afloat while Jonah was below soundly sleeping. The many boastful pastors with prepared sermons that do not even bridge the gap between what scriptures admonish and the present reality. The visible church is still what it has always been: fearful. Faithless to lay down its neck for the gospel. It has no soldiers, just attendees. No generals, just hirelings. No power, just programs. It demands what it does not deserve.

But God, is still building His church. And He employs the Gideons, the weak, the lowly, the few, the unsure yet willing. Not the corporate, but the foolish things of this world. Not the professing but the believing. Not the ordained showman but the camel-skinned, rugged, unpopular, and ridiculous prophet.

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit,  says the LORD of hosts.
Zechariah 4.6
