
Showing posts from December, 2021

Last Proclamation Of 2021

This year marked a great transition into new and better grounds, open opportunities, and fresh revelations of God's word. The steps forwards have been plenty, and so have the wounds of the enemy, but Father has carried us without fail in the palms of His hands. We are back in the simplicity that is Christ: an active love for God, compassion for the lost, mercy for the weak, and duty to the kingdom.  A kind soul who is very dear candidly asked me, 'How do we sum up biblical Christianity?' I replied with two words. Service. Sacrifice. The LORD enlarge our horizons and give us new visions for His great name's sake.

By God's Spirit

I know your works as well as your labor and endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil. You have even put to the test those who claim themselves as apostles (but are not), and have exposed them to be false. I am also aware that you have persisted consistently, endured much for the sake of my name, and have not grown tired. Revelation 2.2-5 These last days have seen a resurgence in public preaching and doctrinal studies. The internet has had an indelible impact on the rise of the "commendable church". Its preaching. Its pursuit of knowledge, and its strict, and often selectively merciless, administration of church discipline. God aside, even people outside the church are aware of pastors faces and names in facebook when they do a good deed. The visible church has sung God's praise and have consistently done everything, howbeit comfortably, in His name. 'In Jesus' name,' has become a cliche of no value. Like the period in every sentence. There s...


What tremendous, unfathomable privilege has God bestowed upon man that He would enlist him to proclaim His Christ's kindness, judgment, and glorious salvation to men? Not even angels were given such grand attention and honor! The most precious investment in this side of eternity is the human soul. How can a true believer profess an understanding of God's justice and mercy and possess a disinterest in souls? It cannot be. It will never be. A true Christian is one who cannot help but proclaim to the world what Christ has done for him. He had been with Christ in His word. He cannot help but exemplify and recommend Christ to men. He will live pleading for souls. He will die pleading for souls. When they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and discovered that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized these men had been with Jesus. Acts 4.13

Onward Even Without Man

People, the shallow kind, tend to impose their fickle and often clouded judgement upon those who oppose their traditional way of thinking. We are here by virtue of that great and high privilege God has imposed upon us to advance His kingdom that stands in stark contrast to tradition and opinion. That which God has declared abominable no man can make acceptable. That which He declared clean,  no man can condemn. To hurt the pride of men, one need not use hurtful words. Just the truth. Pride is allergic to criticism, even positive ones. Man's opinion makes bitter, God's truth divides.  Truth carries with it confrontation. Truth demands confrontation. Loving confrontation, but confrontation nevertheless. ~ Francis Schaeffer