What It Is And What It Is Not
Baptism is not a means to salvation. It is not a superficial badge of merit to accredit oneself as religious. It is not a mundane ritual established to add color to the church's activities. It is not an item to be checked off on a to-do list. It is not a meager practice to be lightly esteemed.

The LORD added five souls to be baptized into the kingdom today. Praise be to God for this wonderful gift.
Baptism is a one way ticket forward unto a life of service and allegiance to the banner of Christ. It is an external declaration of an inward regeneration. It is to be divorced from and dead to the world, and a rising into newness of life in Christ. It is an oath of one's self to render service to the Kingdom's cause, or to be offered as a sacrifice on the altar.
To fully understand that, to be a child of God is to resign oneself wholly to the Father, with the mindset of a Christ-committed martyr, and the resolve of a well-trained and disciplined soldier of the Word. A life worthy of the travail of the Lamb's soul. A life worthy of His satisfaction.

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