Eleven Years
This priceless book was given to me by my beloved wife by the end of 2009. It has been raised countless times both inside our home and on the street. It has lots of notes pressed between specific passages. I thought it to be wise to preserve it while it is still (barely) in one piece, as it has already begun to fall apart. I remember coming home from my Samar trip thinking I had left it somewhere and had lost it, but when I did find it stashed at the bottom of my pack, I tightly embraced it and cried uncontrollably in gratitude that I still had it.
The new bible that came is not the pure Cambridge version. It has two errors, but nothing that a quick write over cannot fix. I sorely miss my original 1611 with the dedicatory page and the translator's preface. I imagine this precious object outliving my days on earth, and perhaps being raised again by my children, or my children's children, in God's providence and due time.
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