
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Lamb's Book of Life, & The Eternal Will Of God For The Security Of Those Who Have Been Graciously Called To Come & Believe

A journal entry. One early morning of October. A study on my readings, on John 1:13, Ephesians 1:4, Revelation 13:8, 17:8 and 21:27.  From eternity past, even before the beginning of the beginning, the Lamb wrote a book.    In this book were special names. Names He had deemed, in His sovereignty, He would love to be His forever bride. These names were written in careful affection, with great love, and with great zeal, amidst a great plan to reveal to them this love, through sacrifice. He had written these names down permanently, determined and precisely, without any intention to erase or blot them out. He had written them down from eternity, and there will they remain throughout all eternity. He who wrote them embodies eternity, for He is eternity, and whom He loves He loves unto all eternity.   And it came to pass that He afterwards created everything that is. And thus began time. Yet He who made all these things stands outside of time, because he is transcendent a...

The Jealous Son of Luke 15:28 - 29

A exposition on the story of the prodigal son, centering on the tender mercies of the father, and the jealousy of the elder brother. I come across many gems of truths while studying these stories, where the spaces between the letters contain all the precious parts. I myself learn much. Yet for lack of supervised training, I do not know whether I am doing it properly. Nonetheless, may the Lord alone be glorified.

Taal Public Cemetery

My broken foot did very little to hamper my spirits in assisting the church in their public ministry this All Soul's Day. I believe around 700 tracts were distributed to people in and around the grounds. A dear sister also stepped up to read the scriptures in public. I was very thrilled to see the Lord blessing us this day in potentially raising up another laborer in his field. A sister in the Lord from another community church discreetly approached to inform us that there were many inside the grounds who heard and were angrily reacting at the preaching of the word. It is always a good sign when demons are stirred at the proclamation of the word, but souls are a precious thing. We cannot help how people will react to the truth, we were simply called to be faithful. The youth also walked under the heat of the morning sun to cover much ground. May the Father be pleased to give them the passion to work because they love the Lord. It was prohibited to use loud speakers am...