Before Parting Ways

Finally after four months of asking for this from the LORD it is finally answered. I was enabled to speak about Christ to this new batch of artists who worked on our latest project of which production ended this past week. They opened up the long proposed bible study and asked if we can hold it soonest before we all part ways. I was only too pleased to oblige them. It was important that I first take the matter to the LORD in prayer; to tell them first to God, before telling them about God. I simply held on in faith that it would be God who would put it in their hearts to ask for it. How happy I was that it was they that indeed asked. An hour before the time, my wife and I took it again to the LORD in prayer. That he would be pleased to allow us to lift up Christ among the hearers, and that he might be glorified above all else. We asked boldly for his name's sake. I dwelt on the grievousness of sin and its fatal implications to all of humanity, the hopeless predicament of rebelliou...