
Showing posts from January, 2024

Book Recommendations - Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament : (A Comprehensive Bible Commentary on Old Testament Quotations, Allusions & Echoes That Appear from Matthew through Revelation)  The reviews do more justice to this precious work than the book description so I will add one of them here instead.  From B. Marold (find the original comment here )  "'Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament', edited by G. K. Beale and D. A. Carson supports the idea that given any approach to the examination of the New Testament you may think of, someone has written a book about it. And a superb book it is, if you have need for an examination of this subject from almost every angle. I say almost, because there is actually one thing I would like to have seen in this book, and it is not there. More on this anon. For the lay reader, be aware that this is a scholarly book, with all the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and (I suspect) even Coptic terms used freely, just when I...

Second Meeting

Each meeting is fruitful for this old soul whose light is quite near its close. His body may have wasted away, but he is gifted with simple, child-like understanding. It is always a joy to recommend the mercies of Christ to a ready ear, and including the beginnings of redemptive history is quite a tremendous help in framing the gospel aright. May the LORD grant me the grace to faithfully and joyfully see this through. 

Book Recommendations - The King In His Beauty

The King In His Beauty by Thomas Schreiner Thomas Schreiner, a respected scholar and a trusted voice for many students and pastors, offers a substantial and accessibly written overview of the whole Bible. He traces the storyline of the scriptures from the standpoint of biblical theology, examining the overarching message that is conveyed throughout. Schreiner emphasizes three interrelated and unified themes that stand out in the biblical narrative: God as Lord, human beings as those who are made in God's image, and the land or place in which God's rule is exercised. The goal of God's kingdom is to see the king in his beauty and to be enraptured in his glory. Book Description from   Baker Academic: Contents Prologue Part 1: Creation to the Edge of Canaan 1. Genesis 2. Exodus 3. Leviticus 4. Numbers 5. Deuteronomy Interlude: A Synopsis of Creation to the Edge of Canaan Part 2: The Story of Possession, Exile, and Return 6. Joshua 7. Judges 8. Ruth 9. 1-2 Samuel 10. 1-2 Kings 1...

Book Recommendations - The New International Greek Testament Commentary - The Book of Revelation

Ever since my Jack Chick days, I have held the pretribulation position. That was over twenty years ago. But a thorough investigation changed my perspective on eschatology. One crucial shift is that its emphasis on the prophecies' fulfillment is less important now than its exhortation to be obedient followers of Christ. It is intrinsically connected to the larger plan of redemptive history and does not stand alone merely as a book of mysterious images.  And he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near.  Luke 21:29-31   But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand.  Mark13:23   It used to be common to ask "when," but in reality, the real question is "why and what." The book of the Revelation (of Jesus Christ) is best read and understood i...

Book Recommendations - New Studies in Biblical Theology

The God Who Makes Himself Known by W. Ross Blackburn The Lord's commitment to make himself known throughout the nations is the overarching missionary theme of the Bible and the central theological concern of Exodus. Countering scholarly tendencies to fragment the text over theological difficulties, Ross Blackburn contends that Exodus should be read as a unified whole, and that an appreciation of its missionary theme in its canonical context is of great help in dealing with the difficulties that the book poses. For example, how is Exodus 6:3 best understood? Is there a tension between law and gospel, or mercy and judgment? How should we understand the painstaking detail of the tabernacle chapters? From a careful examination of Exodus, this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume demonstrates that the Lord humbled Pharaoh so the world would know that only God can save the Lord gave Israel the law so that its people might display his goodness to the nations, living in a state of order...

Book Recommendations - Essential Studies in Biblical Theology

This will most likely be the first batch of new collections for this year, Lord willing. My greatest extravagance at this point in life is books. Good books. They seem to me like prudent investments that will last a lifetime. I know of retired pastors who gave young ministers their entire library as a gift. The right books are an understatement in this endeavor. My first paper on the Tabernacle and its role in Biblical Theology was written with a lot of assistance from these books. I therefore list them here for guidance and endorsement. Not all of them have I read. However I have cited most of them when writing my paper. The information they yielded was crucial not only in finishing my paper, but also in whetting my appetite and engorging myself more on the study of redemptive history. Essential Studies in Biblical Theology is a set of 8 books dealing with this huge subject. Three of them I have been graciously gifted. Already they contain such precious insight for the church at larg...

Photo Dump

No labor in the LORD is in vain. At my favorite fishing hole.  


Ernest C. Reisinger goes a step further when he points out that even damnation is a result of evangelism, and hence it is effective even when none are saved: "There are two results: (1) ..he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.' (2) ..he that believeth not shall be damned.' Salvation is one result, and damnation is another result." One paragraph later he states, When the biblical gospel is preached, there will be results, and God will be glorified..His justice, holiness, and righteousness will be glorified in the damnation of those who believe not. Many modern preachers do not like even to mention this aspect of the results, but it is clear in the Bible. When God reveals His mercy, He always reveals His judgment, and the Bible makes this very clear.  This means evangelism is always effective, regardless of how a person responds, since the Lord is glorified either way.  This is also why we can be truthful and bold about making sure the unsaved know the cost o...

He Cares For His Sheep

Last week we hired a lady to clean the shop and our house which led to my queen sharing the gospel with her. She lives with her husband in a small unit in the neighboring village, sharing the roof with her aged parents and 5 others. 9 of them live a small house for 2. The 10th occupant, a 21 year old lesbian lover of her 15 year old daughter, added to the load. Her stepfather's name is lolo S**, who she told was the only Christian in the family. He was passionate about the Word, but had no feeding for a long time now, eversince the pastor from Malolos who was assisting them stopped visiting for some reason. I offered to take her home so I can talk with the old man, and asked if he was interested in reviving the studies. He slept on a makeshift bed of wood in the garage, and can barely read with his poor eyesight. He popped his left knee while working on the dump site but had no money for an operation, so the knee is still dislocated up to this day and it keeps him from walking far....