Before Everything Else

My family and I were once again privileged to proclaim the gospel in public, this time at the place where we frequented but really weren't able to preach to the people. The bibles being free helped bring the tracts which contained the gospel to the passers-by. We stayed till it got dark before proceeding to buy our needs, our audience being the vendors who were selling there. The rides weren't coming in as much and people spent a while waiting for jeeps and buses. This gave us ample time to present the cross to those who waited for their rides in front of us. There were odd people who stood where they weren't supposed to stand, and listened. Quite a few raised eyebrows, some visibly reacted, but most pretended not to hear. I can't imagine how many of these entertain divine notions of God's existence yet their hearts are devoid of any real affection for him? Such was I. Practical atheists in the heart. Those who deny God's existence are fools, but an even ...