
Showing posts from February, 2019

I Am Not The Church. I Am To Be Part Of It.

"We are the church."  Somebody whom I preached with before said this to me. I realize now it is nothing but an excuse to remain unchallenged in one's thinking and doctrine. It leads to all sorts of erroneous ideas and heresies mainly because one move about freely and say anything without restraint, impervious to correction, accountability, discipline, or rebuke. Since moving out of our previous "mega" congregation and with pure intentions, I simply gathered my family at home, and we became a house church. Recognizing the errors of the "church" in mishandling of scriptural truths, I feared for my family's sake, understanding somehow that the word of God alone must be the singular basis of our faith, and so we went into the study of scripture for ourselves. I assumed my rightful role as head and "priest" of my wife and children, feeding them from what I know little, about what is plainly revealed in scripture. We gathered every week...